Table of contents February 2015.
- Harry C. Moores underwriting announcement.
- Henry Furtak with a medley from Porgy and Bess.
- From Linda Bennett the poem: "To February."
- Diana Burkhardt has cassette cases to give away.
- We have information about the ACB 2015 National Conference and Convention.
- We have details on the NFB 2015 national convention.
- Carrie Cischke on cassette recorders and a boom box at Radio Shack.
- Roger Cicchese is looking for an audio sound track of Snow White with audio description.
- Beth Clark introduces herself and reads a message from Jane McIver regarding help in teaching English as a second language.
- We have February birthdays.
- Diane Motchuk with an editorial on the demise of braille.
- Mary Sefzik is looking for a braille hymnal.
- George Bell in a series of e-mails has more information on the UEBC.
- George Gray tells us about Camp Salom 2015.
- Vinny Samarco introduces himself and would welcome correspondence.
- We learn about a new ACB affiliate ACB Families.
- We hear about the APH 2015 Insights Art Competition.
- U.S. Education Department Reaches Agreement with Youngstown State University to Insure Equal Access to its Websites.
- Duncan Holmes with "The Blue Eyes Waltz."
- Tom D'Agostino in The Wax Works with "The Breeze and I."
- From Linda Bennett: "Valentine: Food for thought."
- Linda Webb introduces herself and has some riddles throughout the issue.
- We take a look at some Campbell's Home Style soups.
- Kate tells us about her cooking adventures; the free cookbooks given away in January and the new ones for February.
- Jeanne Corcoran with some recipes.
- From Marianne Daley: "A Twelve Hour Window for a Healthy Weight."
- Ginger Harms with a warning about pre-measured soap packs and soap pods.
- "Blind Chef Ready to Open New Restaurant."
- George Gray on book reviews and liked a pumpkin bread recipe.
- Abbie Taylor on macaroni and cheese; talks about a quirk with the Magic Chef talking microwave and shares a poem.
- Ed Fedush shares some helpful hints from the Internet.
- Bojane Heap reads: "BLIND Children and Teens with Recurrent Sleep Problems Needed for Clinical Research Study and Survey."
- Marg Schmitz has an APH desktop recorder to give away to be used for parts only.
- We welcome two new Newsreel members and learn that Joan Buchholtz, Louise Reed and Rudy Hodnik passed away and we hear a polka from Rudy.
- Thanks to the Ohio Lions Sight and Hearing Committee for their support.
- Catie Mangrum with a tongue twister.
- Irwin has some house-keeping tips.
- Marianne Daley comments on pull-tab cans; discusses smiling; learning about technology and would like to know more about adding minutes to her phone.
- B.C. Transit Disciplining Victoria Bus Drivers, Unfair Says Union."
- From Katie Frederick and Kim Charlson: we learn about "Perkins Perspectives Magazine."
- Nancy Levy on guide dogs; lost her pet dog and comments on her knee replacement.
- Tom Lykins on the Ibill and its braille guide.
- Tim hendel discusses the UEB.
- Hadley's transition to Unified English Braille."
- "Keep your Nose Warm this Winter; The Cold Virus Loves Cold Noses" and Kate found the song "Baby It's Cold Outside."
- Thanks to the C. W. and Marjorie J. Schrenk Family Foundation for their support.
- Kate has an update on our survey.
- Irwin has a couple of battery compartment doors for the Bookport Plus to pass along.
- Christine Chaikin has a resource handbook for Hawaii to sell.
- We hear about a special vest for service dogs.
- From Marianne Daley: "From Vertigo to Tinitis, Ear Ailments are New Focus for Drugs."
- Doug Hudson has a money identifier to give away.
- From Deborah Kendrick: "A Little Humor can Usually Smooth out an Awkward Situation."
- Debbie Donnellan comments on her iphone.
- From Jane McIver: we hear about a new IOS App called "Be My Eyes."
- "Wake Forest Students Build Device to Help Blind."
- Mimi Winer recommends an article from the December 19, 2014 issue of Newsweek.
- From Ann Chiappetta: "Mood Swing."
- We have links for the "Sounds from the Sun article in January.
- Gary Sivak has a suggestion where you might be able to get older assistive technology repaired.
- Nolan Crabb reviews: "Tried by War: Abraham Lincoln as Commander in Chief." (DB 67863)
- Kate starts the 2015 Friendship Raffle.
- Ed Fedush sent in some Dillerisms.