Table of contents March 2014.
- Harry C. Moores underwriting announcement.
- From Linda Bennett: "Marvels of March."
- George Gray tells us about Camp Salom.
- Innovation in Voting Accessibility.
- Oral Miller has a source for typewriter ribbons.
- Gary Sivak with a correction on the IRS website listed in the February issue.
- Mary Snelgrove has two music cassettes to give away.
- Teleseminar on Medicare Coverage for Low Vision Devices.
- Marg Campbell wants to find some wall clocks.
- Don Cardinal on translation of visual images and is looking for a room to rent.
- We have March birthdays.
- Linda Brown on braille magazines.
- Tom Lykins concerning the demise of the Matilda Ziegler Magazine.
- We're looking for Veterans to join the Newsreel Family.
- Lisa Burkhardt on Sleep Aphnia.
- Treatment for Non 24 Disorder Gains FDA Approval.
- Teresa Wakefield on Non 24.
- Irwin reminds you to send in your jokes and humor for April.
- We hear about the Sixth Annual Young Described Film Critic Contest.
- Pastor P. W. Jackson would like correspondence and wants to know where to find a computer braille code chart.
- Kate has an update on the Friendship Raffle.
- Claude Long likes the old technology and would welcome correspondence.
- "Ohio Family with Minature Horse as Service Animal Sues."
- Tom D'Agostino in the Wax Works with the march All Together.
- Kate has an update on her cullinary adventures.
- Jeanne Corcoran recommends a book; updates us on her surgery and shares some recipes.
- Diane Motchuk has an easy recipe.
- Laurie Pettis shares a recipe.
- Bojane Heap tells us about her recent surgery.
- Michael Geno is still sending out braille and cassettes and lets us know that his wife passed away.
- Rollie Hudson reads the poem "Love is a Rose."
- New Accessibility Initiative: Wellpoint Health Benefits Company."
- Labelle Murtha on the typewriter and is looking for Dymo Tape.
- From Robert Acosta: Guide Dog Users Inc. would like to provide Pawtracks in braille.
- Arthur Wilson is looking for a boombox.
- We hear about an app for a Virtual Cane.
- Tom Kaufman introduces "Travels with Charlie."
- From National Braille Press: "Get the Picture! Viewing the World Through iPhone Camera."
- Deborah Kendrick with "An Exemption from Minimum Wage."
- Lucille Caruso shares a song.
- Thanks to the Ohio Lions Sight and Hearing Committee for their support.
- Bob Riibe sends in some Irish music.
- Nolan Crabb reviews "The Lost Cause: The Confederate Exodus to Mexico." (DB 50150)
- Nancy Scott with an essay titled "Keep Pitching."
- "Samsung and the Carroll Center for the Blind Team up to Test Television Accessibility."
- The book "For the Benefit of those who See" is now available from NLS.
- From Second Sense: "Tips for Movie Goers."
- We hear about a Tactile American Flag.
- Lily Gyulveszy has the answer for the February jumble and a new one for March.
- We have updates on members of the Newsreel Family.
- Ginger Harms on changes with Party Line newsletter
- From Marianne Daley: "Take a Cat's Bite Seriously."
- Bob Prahin sends in The Kings Singers with "Masterpiece."
- We have the final part of Jack Benny's Golden Memories of Radio.
- Carrie Cischke has print/brl valentine cards and a CD player for sale.
- Some Surprising News about Hearing.
- We hear about a new NBC show involving a guide dog.
- Mike Lantz on dealing with the sighted public and is looking for someone.
- Victor Schmidt introduces himself; comments on computers and the ADA.
- Jerry Manter on the ADA.
- Joan Andrews has an update on the Wake family; her health issues and would like tips on flossing teeth.
- Paul B. Smith has the answer for the December trivia question and a new one for March.