Table of contents April 2015.


  1. Harry C. Moores underwriting announcement.
  2. Henry Furtak sends in "Variations on Dixie."
  3. Linda Bennett has a letter to the Easter Bunny.
  4. We have a new phone number for Audio Biblical Book Making.
  5. Duncan Holmes tells us about free cassettes and mailers.
  6. Linda Webb sent in some Easter riddles.
  7. Irwin has an update on his Seeing Eye dog Paris.
  8. Complimentary Eye Exams for Service Animals.
  10. Juliette Silvers is in need of a phone.
  11. We have April birthdays.
  12. Gary Sivak with a joke.
  13. Robert Feistein is looking for a Sharp calculator-clock.
  14. From Second Sense: the NLS Music Section has added the Norton Anthology of Western Music; we hear about a transportation guide and we learn about a research project on guide dog harnesses.
  15. We find out that several Newsreelers have passed away and Kate welcomes new subscribers.
  16. Jim Robertson demonstrates UBI.
  17. Robert Wegner is looking for a wallet.
  18. Tom Anderson has two history books to pass along.
  19. Kate has an update on the Newsreel Survey.
  20. "Department of Justice Unveils New Online Americans with Disabilities Act Complaint Form."
  22. Larry Honaker introduces himself and we hear about a church fellowship program.
  23. Al Daniels with a song for Easter.


  1. Tom D'Agostino in The Wax Works with "Fifteen Years and I'm Still Servin' Time."
  2. We have the cookbook winners for March and the free braille cookbooks for April.
  3. Robert Wegner on macaroni and cheese and he makes ice tea.
  4. Jeanne Corcoran with some crockpot recipes.
  5. Kate on her cooking; has a couple of recipes and shares a poem from Linda Bennett.
  6. Jan Blatz on stains and her new stove.
  7. GE and Kentucky School for the Blind Design Braille Kit for Artistry Electric Range.
  9. From Tom Kaufman "Visus Labels."
  11. Debbie Blank comments on Schwans.
  12. Ginger Harms on pull top cans and crockpot liners.
  13. Diane Motchuk with "The Mechanical Man."


  1. Thanks to the Ohio Lions Sight and Hearing Committee for their support.
  2. Marg Campbell with the song "When It's Night Time in Italy, it's Wednesday Over Here."
  3. George Gray with some jokes and riddles.
  4. Doug Hudson says thanks for last year's Raffle prize and tells us about The Listen Factor.
  6. Kate has a Friendship Raffle update.
  7. Bojane Heap has an idea for the Newsreel Raffle; comments on UEB and shares the audio for a video.
  8. John Wesley Smith reviews "The Westing Game." (DB 58350)
  9. From the Braille Monitor: "Braille and Talking Book Program Embraces New Braille Code."
  10. We have a list of braille books available from NLS produced in UEB.
  11. Top 60 Markets Getting Audio Description in July.
  12. Arthur Wilson with a joke.
  13. Mary Snelgrove is looking for a couple of people.
  14. Deborah Kendrick with: "Our Words have Power Either to Hurt or Lift up."
  15. Tom Lykins about UEB and is looking for music sites on the Internet.
  16. Nancy Levy about what's been going on.
  17. Irwin talks about Menards and the use of technology.
  18. Pam Spurlock has some foolishness for April.
  19. Jane McIver sends in a computer poem.
  20. Kate dedicates a song to Connie Standing Clear.


  1. We hear about World Radio Day.
  2. Tim Hendel talks about his experiences teaching braille.
  3. Ann Chiappetta tells us about her experiences getting a second guide dog.
  4. Stem Cells from Wisdom Teeth Seen as Possible Fix for this Common Form of Blindness.
  5. Brad Barrows has the jumble answer and we have a new jumble for April.
  6. Duncan Holmes on Internet Radio and the iphone.
  8. From Ed Fedush: "Good Advice to Live By."