Table of contents April 2015.
- Harry C. Moores underwriting announcement.
- Henry Furtak sends in "Variations on Dixie."
- Linda Bennett has a letter to the Easter Bunny.
- We have a new phone number for Audio Biblical Book Making.
- Duncan Holmes tells us about free cassettes and mailers.
- Linda Webb sent in some Easter riddles.
- Irwin has an update on his Seeing Eye dog Paris.
- Complimentary Eye Exams for Service Animals.
- Juliette Silvers is in need of a phone.
- We have April birthdays.
- Gary Sivak with a joke.
- Robert Feistein is looking for a Sharp calculator-clock.
- From Second Sense: the NLS Music Section has added the Norton Anthology of Western Music; we hear about a transportation guide
and we learn about a research project on guide dog harnesses.
- We find out that several Newsreelers have passed away and Kate welcomes new subscribers.
- Jim Robertson demonstrates UBI.
- Robert Wegner is looking for a wallet.
- Tom Anderson has two history books to pass along.
- Kate has an update on the Newsreel Survey.
- "Department of Justice Unveils New Online Americans with Disabilities Act Complaint Form."
- Larry Honaker introduces himself and we hear about a church fellowship program.
- Al Daniels with a song for Easter.
- Tom D'Agostino in The Wax Works with "Fifteen Years and I'm Still Servin' Time."
- We have the cookbook winners for March and the free braille cookbooks for April.
- Robert Wegner on macaroni and cheese and he makes ice tea.
- Jeanne Corcoran with some crockpot recipes.
- Kate on her cooking; has a couple of recipes and shares a poem from Linda Bennett.
- Jan Blatz on stains and her new stove.
- GE and Kentucky School for the Blind Design Braille Kit for Artistry Electric Range.
- From Tom Kaufman "Visus Labels."
- Debbie Blank comments on Schwans.
- Ginger Harms on pull top cans and crockpot liners.
- Diane Motchuk with "The Mechanical Man."
- Thanks to the Ohio Lions Sight and Hearing Committee for their support.
- Marg Campbell with the song "When It's Night Time in Italy, it's Wednesday Over Here."
- George Gray with some jokes and riddles.
- Doug Hudson says thanks for last year's Raffle prize and tells us about The Listen Factor.
- Kate has a Friendship Raffle update.
- Bojane Heap has an idea for the Newsreel Raffle; comments on UEB and shares the audio for a video.
- John Wesley Smith reviews "The Westing Game." (DB 58350)
- From the Braille Monitor: "Braille and Talking Book Program Embraces New Braille Code."
- We have a list of braille books available from NLS produced in UEB.
- Top 60 Markets Getting Audio Description in July.
- Arthur Wilson with a joke.
- Mary Snelgrove is looking for a couple of people.
- Deborah Kendrick with: "Our Words have Power Either to Hurt or Lift up."
- Tom Lykins about UEB and is looking for music sites on the Internet.
- Nancy Levy about what's been going on.
- Irwin talks about Menards and the use of technology.
- Pam Spurlock has some foolishness for April.
- Jane McIver sends in a computer poem.
- Kate dedicates a song to Connie Standing Clear.
- We hear about World Radio Day.
- Tim Hendel talks about his experiences teaching braille.
- Ann Chiappetta tells us about her experiences getting a second guide dog.
- Stem Cells from Wisdom Teeth Seen as Possible Fix for this Common Form of Blindness.
- Brad Barrows has the jumble answer and we have a new jumble for April.
- Duncan Holmes on Internet Radio and the iphone.
- From Ed Fedush: "Good Advice to Live By."