Table of contents April 2016.
- Harry C. Moores underwriting announcement.
- Linda Bennett with "April Song."
- George Gray with some thoughts scattered throughout the issue.
- We hear about an Easter egg hunt.
- Barb Frazier has details of the ISVI Alumni reunion.
- Robert Hassler loves the Newsreel on cartridge.
- Bojane Heap is looking for help with G-mail.
- We welcome a couple of new Newsreelers.
- From the Los Angeles Times: "Bus Teaches Google Car a Lesson."
- We have April birthdays.
- "Freedom Scientific Announces Latest IOS Training Bundle."
- Marianne Daley needs help setting up a new e-mail account.
- Mike Lantz will be speaking about blindness and comments on airports.
- Patty Silver with some humor for April.
- "Pope Francis to Meet Ohio Girl who Wants to See Pontiff Before she Goes Blind."
- Alice Fields has a health update; shares a joke and has a "special goodbye."
- Irwin tells you about two NPR shows you might like: On the Media about books
and Science Friday with two ophthalmologists
and suggests the March issue of Discover magazine for an article about Earworms.
- Doug Thibaut with a joke.
- Gloria Rathbone would like correspondence.
- David Patch has an update and would welcome correspondence.
- Tim Hendel comments on requests for pen pals and has a song for Passover.
- Tom D'Agostino in The Wax Works with The Andrews Sisters and "Jealous."
- Kate with her cooking adventures; shares a couple of recipes; tells us who won the cookbooks in March; has new books for April and says that Loren Wakefield is looking for a recipe.
- Robert Wegner about his Thanksgiving vegetables and is looking for someone.
- Jeanne Corcoran tells us about a couple of small appliances and shares some recipes.
- Pam Spurlock with some recipes and comments on "amazing."
- Diane Motchuk with an easy recipe; is in need of a Handi-cassette power supply; tells about surgery on her guide dog and has a question about raw diets for dogs.
- Marg Schmitz on angel food and devils food cakes.
- Gail Adams on glass-topped stoves.
- Marg Campbell wants to know more about the Crazee Braille Ball and we have additional details.
- Adrijana Prokopenko tells us about a Facebook group for teachers and parents of blind children.
- Laurie Pettis with a prayer request.
- Phil Jackson has CD cases to pass along.
- We have "The Puppy Love Song" from Spike Jones.
- Thanks to the Ohio Lions Sight and Hearing Committee for their support.
- Jan Blatz sent in "I Can't Dance" by Allan Sherman.
- Kate has a Raffle update.
- Nolan Crabb reviews: "The Secret Chord" (DB 82635)
- Vito Muraglia shares some riddles throughout the issue.
- From Vicky Prahin: "Assistance Dog Etiquette."
- "Scam Victims Aren't Dumb their Human."
- Joan Andrews with a couple of riddles; comments on transportation and the Nyssb.
- We learn that Catie Mangrum passed away.
- Former Newsreeler Becky Gray has passed away.
- Richard Hardy on his knee surgery.
- Linda Webb with a joke.
- Duncan Holmes loves the new Victor Stream; bought a cassette recorder; tells us about his upcoming tour
and shares a song.
- Marg Campbell tells us about a CD she produced and we hear a song.
- Christine Chaikin is offering a Ohio Resource Handbook.
- Barbara Mattson is selling a Braille Blazer.
- Diane Motchuk has a talking glucometer to sell.
- Norene Trappa with a joke.
- Tom Lykins on AM radio.
- Victor Schmidt concerning AM radio.
- "Is AM Radio still Relevant?"
- From Marianne Daley: "The Echo from Amazon Brims with Ground-breaking Promise."
- "Chocolate Gives Latest Business Started by Blind Entrepeneur."
- "The New Old Age: The Unwelcome Quiet."
- Peggy Shoel with a joke.
- Abbie Taylor with "The Fine art of Belching."