Table of contents May 2013.
- Harry C. Moores underwriting announcement.
- Henry Furtak with a salute to the United States Armed Forces.
- Nancy Scott has a correction for the Books and Beyond phone number.
- John W. Smith tells us about a possible job opportunity.
- Tim Hendel talks with Carrie Hooper and she reads some of her poetry.
- Nancy Levy on the Shingles vaccine.
- We have more information about Non-24 Sleep Wake Disorder.
- Chester Carnes would like to find a boombox.
- We have "New Definitions" from Ed Fedush.
- Lisa Burkhardt on satellite TV and we hear that her mother passed away.
- We have the obituary for Linda Salzman.
- Linda Bennett tells us that Joan Bemiller passed away.
- Amy Phillippi reads "The Touch of the Master's Hand."
- We have May birthdays.
- Keith McUmber reports on music and data CDS and talks about the availability of Newsweek and Reader's Digest from APH.
- From Linda Bennett: "Lilacs for Memorial Day."
- Richard Adams has a riddle and introduces the Adams family.
- We have an article about the uses of WD 40.
- Carrie Hooper with "Inspiring Teachers."
- Diane Motchuk has cat stories and the song "The Cat Came Back."
- Tom D'Agostino has a song in The Wax Works.
- From Linda Bennett: "Mother's Kitchen."
- Robert Wegner on preparing and cooking deer meat and would like to hear from Newsreelers about making gravy.
- We take a look at frozen fruits.
- Norene Trappa is looking for a cookbook.
- Jeanne Corcoran recommends a book; likes a talking clock and has some recipes.
- Kate has an update on the Newsreel Cookbook.
- Laurie Pettis with a recipe.
- From Randy Sheldon Good Information about Pineapples.
- Marianne Daley sends in security Information about PINS.
- Victor Schmidt is looking for a couple of books.
- Blind Drivers Behind the Steering Wheel.
- Angels as Explained by Children.
- From Ed Fedush: "Jesus is Watching You!"
- Thanks to the Ohio Lions Sight and Hearing Committee for their support.
- Jan Blatz with "When you and I were Young Maggie Blues."
- "A Spring Poem" by Keith McUmber.
- Nolan Crabb reviews "What Dreams May Come." (DB 58019)
- "Blind Photographer Inspires Other Students."
- Carrie Hooper with "People Worship."
- Bojane Heap reports on her trip to Boston.
- Tom Anderson would like information on "Voice on the Go.
- Tammie Snyder wants to know where to get material brailled from print.
- Mike Lantz tells us about a friend who is trying to get a book published and is looking for some people.
- From Tom Kaufman: "Getting a Brain Boost through Exercise."
- Arthur Wilson reports on the availability of documents from Social Security on CD.
- From Second Sense: Attention Young Musicians and Employment Mentoring Project.
- Garnet Claypool is looking for some recordings.
- Linda Bennett with "In The Arms of May."
- Brad Barrows has the jumble answer and a new jumble.
- Don Haines shares a song with us.
- We have part two of Jack Benny's Golden Memories of Radio.
- Irwin tells us about "Sunday Nights at Seven: the Jack Benny Story."
- Carrie Hooper with the poem "An Unexpected Blessing."
- Jon German discusses boxed sets of music CDS and puts on some Hank Williams music.
- Carrie Hooper with a final poem.
- Tom D'Agostino with medleys from his 1965 band.
- From Ed Fedush: "Getting Older."