Table of contents May 2016.
- Harry C. Moores underwriting announcement.
- Linda Bennett sent in "Mom's Day Poem."
- Nancy Levy has information about older cell phones that may not work starting in 2017.
- Debbie Donnellan tells us about the West Virginia School for the Blind Alumni Reunion.
- Linda Webb has Mother's Day jokes and riddles throughout the issue.
- Doug Hudson is looking for a refurbished braille writer.
- Garnet Claypool wants some poems in braille.
- Newsreel invites you to our "Get Together" at the ACB National Conference and Convention.
- We have May birthdays.
- Lucille Caruso is in need of a 4-track recorder.
- Mary Snelgrove has a braille music book to give away.
- "FCC Poised to Expand Descriptive Audio."
- Irwin tells you about a stereo microphone he likes.
- Marg Campbell is looking for a puzzle.
- Carrie Cischke really enjoyed the April Newsreel.
- Chester Carnes wants a short-wave radio; a police scanner and a CD recorder.
- From Marianne Daley: "U.S. Postal Stamps will Feature Cats in 2016."
- Lisa Burkhardt has cassettes to give away.
- Mike Lantz on hearing loss and he is in need of a cassette recorder.
- From the Columbus Dispatch: "Health Backpack Designed by College Kids Helps Autistic Kids Feel Secure and Stimulated."
- Kate welcomes a new Life member and a New Zealand subscriber.
- "Billions Pledged for Self-Driving Vehicles."
- From Linda Bennett: "A Memory."
- Bill Tidwell reads about General Logan's Memorial Day Orders.
- Ed Fedush with "The Veterans' Poem."
- Taps in Holland.
- Tom D'Agostino in The Wax Works with "Istanbul."
- Kate has a crockpot recipe and talks about free cookbooks.
- Robert Wegner is in The Kitchen Korner with a recipe for stuffed cabbage.
- Jeanne Corcoran likes Newsreel on cartridge and shares some recipes.
- Diane Motchuk with a recipe.
- Pam Spurlock has an 800 number for Vermont Country Store and recommends a cookbook.
- Marilyn Smith about Magnets and Ladders
tells us about responses to the Newsreel articles on AM radio from a bulletin board and lets us know about the latest Scentsy catalog.
- Victor Schmidt with a recipe he likes and is looking for a couple of songs.
- Joan Andrews comments on AM radio and wonders about marking appliances.
- Jeanie Meador with the March jumble answer and Irwin has a new jumble for May.
- Nolan Crabb reviews: "Mourning Lincoln."
- Marie Rudys with a song.
- Thanks to the Ohio Lions Sight and Hearing Committee for their support.
- From Linda Bennett: "A Mother's Day Blessing."
- John Correia with a piece from Stan Freberg.
- Nancy Scott with "Sometimes Murphy Chirps."
- Bob Riibe on thyroid tests; an anniversary; AM radio and would like pen pals.
- "Wearable Mobility Device for the Blind and Visually Impaired being Developed by Toyota."
- Sandra Connor reports on voting independently and Irwin has comments.
- Ellen Flourie would like pen pals and wants a short-wave radio.
- "Teaching Computers to Describe Images as people Would."
- We learn about Send to Braille.
- From the Columbus Dispatch: "Self-driving Cars will Create Their Own Problems."
- Kate talks Raffle.
- Don Haines plays the piano for the 2016 Voice-corps Volunteer Recognition Dinner.
- Jan Blatz is at the piano for the 2016 Voice-corps Volunteer Recognition Dinner.
- Gary Austin has an Ipal and a Versapoint braille embosser for sale.
- Tim Hendel and Debra Saylor review Marg Campbell's CD.
- Linda Gray would like correspondence.
- Tom Lykins wants to hear songs from schools for the blind.
- What I Wish I had Known about Retinitis Pigmentosa.
- Laurie Pettis tells us about her album and shares a sample.
- "China Poised to Take Leap in Developing Driverless Car."
- Bob Clayton on 50 thousand watt stations.
- From Deb Caldbeck: "Lowering AM Station Power."
- Tom Lykins on AM radio and has questions about atomic watches.
- Bojane Heap tells us about a trip to Florida and a service dog.
- Russel Carrick sends us word of the passing of his guide dog and a friend shares a poem.
- Tammie Snyder wants to hear from people with a specific eye condition.
- "Hilarious Things my Mother Taught Me."