Table of contents October 2015.


  1. Harry C. Moores underwriting announcement.
  2. Henry Furtak with "The Flight of the Bumblebee."
  3. From Linda Bennett the poem "Beautiful October."
  4. Arthur Wilson with a new mailing address and would like early manned space flight audio.
  5. Vicky Prahin with "Recent Court Case Regarding Braille Instruction."
  6. Marg Campbell is looking for a braille 'n Speak 2000.
  7. New Numbers for the ACB Braille Forum, E-Forum, ACB Reports and ACB Radio.
  8. We should have 2016 braille calendars soon.
  9. Duncan Holmes is receiving an award; tells us about his upcoming tour and about the Jewish Bible on NLS type cartridge from The Jewish Braille Institute.
  10. We have October birthdays.
  11. American Printing House for the Blind Shows Off Technology to Congress.
  12. We welcome back a Newsreel subscriber and have two new Life members.
  13. Tim Hendel discusses a couple of braille writers.
  14. Ginger Harms on the IBM electric Brailler and the Lavender Braille Writer.
  15. Leslie Miller tells us about a website and would like to know more about Mac computers.
  16. Smart Phones Liberating the Blind and Visually Impaired.
  17. Phil Jackson with a hint about his digital recorder.
  18. Freedom Scientific Presentation to the Access Board.
  20. From Tom Kaufman: "National Council on Disability Releases Transportation and Access Policy Report."
  22. Ed Fedush with "The Golf Club President."


  1. Tom D'Agostino in The Wax Works with a female barbershop quartet with Mr. Sand Man.
  2. Kate about a funny experience; tells who won the free cookbooks last month; has the free ones for October and we offer a special holiday price for "In The Newsreel Kitchen."
  3. Robert Wegner talks about roast beef.
  4. Jeanne Corcoran on NLS magazines and has some recipes.
  5. Marianne Daley sent in: "I'm a Seenager."
  6. Marg Schmitz about misplacing things.
  7. From Ann Chiappetta: "In Celebration of Dogs."
  8. Irwin tells you about articles in a couple of magazines you might want to check out.
  9. Victor Schmidt has a medical update.
  10. We received word that Ada Seymour passed away.
  11. Pat Munson on the NFB National Convention.
  12. Adrijana Prokopenko tells us about a Facebook group for blind international travelers.


  1. Thanks to the Ohio Lions Sight and Hearing Committee for their support.
  2. Abbie Taylor sends in The National Anthem; mentions Magnets and Ladders and has a story to share.
  4. Nolan Crabb reviews: "Eisenhower: Soldier, General of the Army, President Elect - 1890-1952.
  5. Marianne Daley with a review of "All the Light we cannot See."
  6. Tom Kaufman with "The High Tech Cane and some Interesting Concepts."
  7. Robert Wegner with comments on keeping a phone book.
  8. George Gray is looking for suggestions for an e-mail program.


  1. Here's a clip that Robert Wegner thought you might enjoy.
  3. We hear about Ski for Light 2016.
  5. Janet Didsbury is selling a New Wave oven.
  6. The Death of a Pet can Hurt as Much as the Loss of a Relative.
  7. Randi Shelton with "First Certified Running Guide Dog Graduates from Training."
  8. Rollie Hudson has a stock market update.
  9. Ed Fedush with a fish story.
  10. Lisa Burkhardt on Scriptalk at Walmart.
  11. Linda Bennett with "Halloween."
  12. Linda O'neal and others with the jumble answer and we have a new one for October.
  13. Ed Fedush with a joke.
  14. "Local College Student to be Honored at White House."
  15. Nancy Levy about meeting and petting dogs.
  16. Doug Hudson sent in information about Comic Books for the Blind and Visually Impaired.
  18. Bojane Heap says a friend is looking for someone.
  19. We learn that Marcia Dresser passed away.
  20. Rollie Hudson with a tribute to Bob Prahin; we have Bob's obituary and we end the issue with the song "One Less Bell."