Table of contents October 2015.
- Harry C. Moores underwriting announcement.
- Henry Furtak with "The Flight of the Bumblebee."
- From Linda Bennett the poem "Beautiful October."
- Arthur Wilson with a new mailing address and would like early manned space flight audio.
- Vicky Prahin with "Recent Court Case Regarding Braille Instruction."
- Marg Campbell is looking for a braille 'n Speak 2000.
- New Numbers for the ACB Braille Forum, E-Forum, ACB Reports and ACB Radio.
- We should have 2016 braille calendars soon.
- Duncan Holmes is receiving an award; tells us about his upcoming tour and about the Jewish Bible on NLS type cartridge from The Jewish Braille Institute.
- We have October birthdays.
- American Printing House for the Blind Shows Off Technology to Congress.
- We welcome back a Newsreel subscriber and have two new Life members.
- Tim Hendel discusses a couple of braille writers.
- Ginger Harms on the IBM electric Brailler and the Lavender Braille Writer.
- Leslie Miller tells us about a website
and would like to know more about Mac computers.
- Smart Phones Liberating the Blind and Visually Impaired.
- Phil Jackson with a hint about his digital recorder.
- Freedom Scientific Presentation to the Access Board.
- From Tom Kaufman: "National Council on Disability Releases Transportation and Access Policy Report."
- Ed Fedush with "The Golf Club President."
- Tom D'Agostino in The Wax Works with a female barbershop quartet with Mr. Sand Man.
- Kate about a funny experience; tells who won the free cookbooks last month; has the free ones for October and we offer a special holiday price for "In The Newsreel Kitchen."
- Robert Wegner talks about roast beef.
- Jeanne Corcoran on NLS magazines and has some recipes.
- Marianne Daley sent in: "I'm a Seenager."
- Marg Schmitz about misplacing things.
- From Ann Chiappetta: "In Celebration of Dogs."
- Irwin tells you about articles in a couple of magazines you might want to check out.
- Victor Schmidt has a medical update.
- We received word that Ada Seymour passed away.
- Pat Munson on the NFB National Convention.
- Adrijana Prokopenko tells us about a Facebook group for blind international travelers.
- Thanks to the Ohio Lions Sight and Hearing Committee for their support.
- Abbie Taylor sends in The National Anthem; mentions Magnets and Ladders and has a story to share.
- Nolan Crabb reviews: "Eisenhower: Soldier, General of the Army, President Elect - 1890-1952.
- Marianne Daley with a review of "All the Light we cannot See."
- Tom Kaufman with "The High Tech Cane and some Interesting Concepts."
- Robert Wegner with comments on keeping a phone book.
- George Gray is looking for suggestions for an e-mail program.
- Here's a clip that Robert Wegner thought you might enjoy.
- We hear about Ski for Light 2016.
- Janet Didsbury is selling a New Wave oven.
- The Death of a Pet can Hurt as Much as the Loss of a Relative.
- Randi Shelton with "First Certified Running Guide Dog Graduates from Training."
- Rollie Hudson has a stock market update.
- Ed Fedush with a fish story.
- Lisa Burkhardt on Scriptalk at Walmart.
- Linda Bennett with "Halloween."
- Linda O'neal and others with the jumble answer and we have a new one for October.
- Ed Fedush with a joke.
- "Local College Student to be Honored at White House."
- Nancy Levy about meeting and petting dogs.
- Doug Hudson sent in information about Comic Books for the Blind and Visually Impaired.
- Bojane Heap says a friend is looking for someone.
- We learn that Marcia Dresser passed away.
- Rollie Hudson with a tribute to Bob Prahin; we have Bob's obituary and we end the issue with the song "One Less Bell."