Table of contents December 2013.
- Harry C. Moores underwriting announcement.
- From Clinton Lindgdren: "Simple Gifts."
- We have seasons greetings from: Rollie Hudson, Toni Eames and Norma Krauss.
- Gary Sivak has a new phone number for TELLME.
- We learn about the NFB Scholarship Program for 2014.
- John Brickweg says the November braille edition of Readers Digest has a lot of braille errors.
- Casey Wollner is in need of a boombox.
- From ACB: We have information about SGA and Social Security changes for 2014.
- Irwin demonstrates an accessible kiosk.
- New York City's Emergency Plans Violate the Americans with Disabilities Act.
- We have December birthdays.
- Marg Schmitz has a Glucometer to give away.
- From Marianne Daley: "Comcast's Talking Program Guide."
- Andy Roy has information about the Comcast talking cable box.
- Visually Impaired Paddlers Show Their Prowess on the Water.
- Deborah Kendrick with an ADA quiz.
- From Clinton Lindgren: "Noisy Night."
- Tom D'Agostino with "And the Band Played on" in The Wax Works.
- Robert Wegner talks turkey.
- Diane Motchuk has a banana bread recipe.
- Garnet Claypool has a hint for chestnuts and is looking for some music.
- Karen Kelting shares a recipe.
- From National Braille Press: Holiday Recipes from Cook's Illustrated."
- Doug Hudson would like more information on vitamins.
- Ginger Harms reports on a problem with a thumb drive.
- Ed Fedush sent in "Teacher Arrested at JFK."
- Dana Ard discusses a problem with dizziness.
- Barry and Louise Wood participated in a fund raiser.
- Tom Kaufman with "Stress Relief."
- Duncan Holmes with two songs for Christmas.
- Thanks to the Ohio Lions Sight and Hearing Committee for their support.
- "The Christmas Song" sent in by Clinton Lindgren.
- We have greetings from: Russell Carrick, Tom Lykins, Patty Silver, Steve Weadon, Sam Bates and Bob Self.
- Patty Luchtenberg reads "It's Christmas Time."
- Nancy Scott with a Christmas parody.
- Nolan Crabb reviews "Silver Bells: A Holiday Tale." (DB 59402)
- "One-hundred-thirty-nine Proof! She Read the Braille encyclopedia-and Corrected it" from the Fall 2013 Dialogue Magazine.
- Ed Fedush with a laugh.
- Arthur Wilson wants some cassette mailers.
- From Tom Kaufman: "FCC Adopts TV Rules for Blind and Deaf."
- "Tweeting Blind" by Johnathan Mosen is available from National Braille Press.
- Amy Phillippi recommends a website.
- Christine Chaikin has information about customizing computers.
- Mimi Winer has suggestions for a used braille writer; learning to use a computer and tells us about 4-GB cartridges from APH.
- "Statement by Secretary Hagle on the Disabilities Treaty."
- Irwin has a correction for the November jumble and a new one for December.
- Ed Lopez with "Let it Snow."
- We have part Nine of Jack Benny's Golden Memories of Radio.
- Ray Rokita tells us about his CDS for sale.
- We have a story about a guide dog who was killed on the job.
- We learn about a computerized vest for service dogs.,2817,2421792,00.asp
- From Bill Lewis: "ROBO-DOGGIE."
- From Bob Acosta: "Guide Dog Users Inc. Starts an Announcement System by Phone."
- From Deborah Kendrick: "Commonsense can Smooth out a Flight."
- Tom Kaufman with "Dogs are People Too."
- Ed Lopez sends in "Blue Christmas."
- We have "Emergency Preparedness 101."
- Clinton Lindgren with The Seekers and "Mary Had A Baby."
- Catie Mangrum says thanks and sends in a song.
- From Linda Bennett: "An Old Fashioned Christmas."
- Marty Honaker talks with Josette Kernaghan about record collecting.
- "Code Factory Enhances Blind and Visually Impaired Accessability for Windows Phone Eight."
- Deborah Kendrick with the answers for the ADA quiz.
- Nancy Levy asks about non 24 Sleep Disorder and using cell phones when driving.
- From Linda Bennett: "A Christmas Wish."
- From Ed Fedush: "Around the Corner I have a Friend."
- Tim Hendel talks with Carrie Hooper about an Albanian musical instrument and she plays and sings a song.
- Ed Fedush sent in an article about the demise of Windows XP.
- Mike Blanck about an error in the Golden Memories series.
- Loretta Palermo with greetings.
- Ed Fedush sent in some sayings from Phyllis Diller.
- From Catie Mangrum: "Twas the Fright Before Christmas."
- Henry Furtak with "Un to us a Child is born."
- Kate Sniderman, Julie Ann Cobb, Lisa Burkhardt and Linda Brown has holiday wishes.
- From The Washington Post: Tina Calabro's Essay about her son Mark.
- We welcome some new Newsreel members.
- Mike Lantz tells of the passing of a blind evangelist; comments on the ADA; discusses a pastor and is looking for a song.
- We have a special Cookbook offer for the holidays.
- Marianne Daley has an adventure.
- Pat Keating plays a Christmas piece.
- We learn that Newsreeler Keith McUmber passed away.
- Robert Hassler sings a song.
- Roberta Wilson-Mills and Kevin Walsh share two Christmas songs.
- From Tom Kaufman: "Technologies for the Blind."
- Joan Andrews sent in "The Christmas Spirit" from Johnny Cash.
- Ginger Harms talks about Tech Support for Olympus recorders; tells us about a digital labeling system for medication and how to find out more about non 24-7.
- From Second Sense: Are you looking for gift ideas and we learn about a National Transportation Hotline.
- Jan Blatz has an essay from Irma Bombeck.
- Michael Geno would appreciate your prayers and has several items to give away.
- From Tom Kaufman: "Blind War Hero's Next Fight is in Federal Court" and we have an update.
- Paul B. Smith has a trivia question.
- Bob Riibe is trying to find an MP3 recorder for a friend.
- Bob and Mickey Prahin sent in "What Child is This" Chick Corea and Joshua Bell.