Table of contents December 2014.
- Harry C. Moores underwriting announcement.
- We have holiday greetings from Norma Kraus, Jan Blatz, Vicky Ireland, Karen Kelting, Irwin Hott, Kate Sniderman, Dennis Schaffner, Rollie Hudson, Tom Lykins and Arthur Wilson throughout the issue.
- Duncan Holmes sends in the song "The Day After Thanksgiving."
- Kate has a correction.
- Irwin has a note on tone indexing.
- From Ralph Martinez Holiday Quotes and Jokes throughout the issue.
- Jim Robertson introduces himself and would welcome phone calls.
- Becky Tsuromoto tells us where to get more information about the UEBC.
- John Stroot on getting a tape recorder repaired.
- Kate tells us about a tape recorder available from Vermont Country Store.
- Paul Sullivan is looking for a cassette recorder.
- We learn about the White House Fellows program.
- Norene Trappa has some large notebooks to give away.
- We have December birthdays.
- "Americans with Disabilities Act Regulations to Expand Access to Movie Theaters for Individuals."
- Bob Clayton on access to the Internet; talks about teachers who do lots of extra things; discusses proofreading jobs and loves the Trekker Breeze.
- Vicki Ratcliffe on technology.
- We welcome Toni Eames back; she comments on technology; food rewards; remembers Robert Smithdas and discusses retiring guide dogs.
- From Beth Terranova: "Researchers Use Computerized Harness to Communicate with Dogs."
- Clinton Lindgren sends in Gene Autry with Sleigh Bells.
- Thanks to the C. W. and Marjorie J. Schrenk Family Foundation for their support.
- Tom D'Agostino with Manhattan Serenade.
- Kate tells us about the free braille cookbooks; what she is planning to make and would love to have you order a Newsreel cookbook for Christmas.
- Robert Wegner has a recipe for Butter Balls.
- Arlene Hebert has recipes for the holiday season.
- We remember Newsreelers who passed away in 2014.
- Pam Spurlock with a couple of hints and a recipe.
- Linda Brown with a couple of recipes.
- From Alice Massa a blog post from
"The Wassail Years."
- Diane Motchuk is looking for a cookbook.
- Ginger Harms on a Gusto phone; comments on Handi-cassette battery life and has a baking question.
- Jim Riley doesn't like "pull tab" cans.
- Diana Burkhardt has a peach cobbler recipe.
- From Tom Kaufman: "New Audio Channel Makes Fashion Accessible for People with Disabilities."
- Alice Fields on being critical; shares a scarey story and has two Christmas poems.
- Alice Crespo is looking for help in learning to use the PacMate.
- Sarah Brown with What Child Is This.
- Thanks to the Ohio Lions Sight and Hearing Committee for their support.
- Bob and Mickey Prahin sent in "Christmas Confusion."
- Patty Silver shares a true story.
- Abbie Taylor on adding contacts to her cell phone and shares a story from Magnets and Ladders;
- From Linda Bennett: "The Wandering Age."
- Lab Grown Corneas could Prevent blindness.
- Jeanne Corcoran reads: "The Christmas Spirit."
- Marg Campbell shows how to put contacts into her cell phone.
- From Ann Chiappetta: "Talking through Sorrow."
- Ginger Harms on adding contacts to her cell phones and has a question about the Book Port Plus.
- Janet Didsbury would like Tom Lehrer recordings.
- Tom Lehrer with "A Christmas Carol."
- We hear about a low-cost braille printer being developed.
- From the November Tenth Columbus Dispatch: "Twelve-year-old Develops Cheaper Braille Printer for the Blind."
- Vito Muraglia has OTR CDS to sell.
- Adrijana Prokopenko is selling a booklet of braille contractions and is offering to braille short documents.
- Bob Acosta tells us about a cruise sponsored by GDUI.
- Ellen Boxrud with comments on computers; mailing addresses and would like correspondence.
- We have a story about the inaccessibility of DC government websites.
- Ellen Flourie is looking for a short-wave radio.
- Laurie Pettis with a song.
- From Randi Shelton: "A Grade School Teacher's Story."
- Clinton Lindgren with Hilary Weeks and God Bless Your Way.
- Catie Mangrum with a couple of songs.
- The National Federation of the Blind Reaches Agreement with US Department of Education.
- Joan Andrews on remembering Veterans.
- NFB 2015 Scholarships are available.
- Mike Lantz is working with a friend on making videos and he wonders what annoys you about dealing with sighted people.
- Gloria Rathbone would like to hear from Pilot Dog graduates.
- From Marianne Daley: "Rescue Cat Watches Over Diabetic Girl."
- Joan Cox comments on smiling.
- From the Columbus Dispatch: "Cars will be Safer but still Need Drivers Toyota Says."
- Wearable Computing Gloves can Teach Braille Even if you're not Paying Attention.
- Blind from Birth but Able to use Sound to See Faces.
- From Doug Hudson: "The Twelve Days of Rehab."
- Julia Ann Cobb has musical greetings.
- From Duncan Holmes: "Manger Six."
- Robert Hassler on the NLS player and sings a song.
- Kate found an Old-timers Dinner Party.
- Cowboy Brad Fitch and Estes Park Christmas.
- Robert Wegner on submitting articles.
- Irwin has an article about sharing audio files and submitting articles to Newsreel.
- John Harden shows how to send an article to Newsreel using his Iphone.
- Justice Department Files Fair Housing Lawsuit Against Kent State University.
- Tom Lykins on technology; UEBC; wants to find a Braille Lite 40 and talks about Fred Gissoni.
- Madeen Ballentine on technology.
- from Clinton Lindgren: Rik Emmet and Sam Reid with a medley.
- April Meservey with Mary's Lullaby.
- From Linda Bennett: "Just a Few Minutes."
- Claire Busch demonstrates a talking microwave.
- From Alice Massa: a blog post "Making a Christmas Card."
- Marg Schmitz comments on NLS players and batteries.
- Amy Phillippi is looking for SAPI voices for Windows 7.
- "Around the World with the New Year" from Nancy Lynn.
- From National Braille Press: "IOS8 Without the Eye.
- Randi Shelton sends in an update to "Yes Virginia, There is a Santa Claus."
- Victor Schmidt discusses NLS digital players and batteries; has an oldie and comments on unwanted phone calls.
- Diane Motchuk with "Let it Snow."
- Brooke White with California Christmas.
- Kate shares a Kingston Trio song.
- Phil Jackson has a strange story.
- Duncan Holmes tells us about his upcoming tours.
- We welcome new members and new Life members to Newsreel.
- Barb Fohl has questions about her new phone.
- Bojane Heap on technology and learning to use adaptive equipment.
- From John W. Smith: "Gun Clinic Caters to Blind."
- From Ann Chiappetta: "Life after Fifty has Revealed Milestones I Never Thought would come to Pass."
- Jim DeBruhl comments on the Thunder Shirt.
- We tell you about a holiday sale from Humanware.
- Willie Merritt with the November jumble answer.
- Irwin has the December jumble from Kate and the list of words from Eva Elfassy for the October jumble.
- We end with a story sent in by Marianne Daley about "The Candy Bomber."