Table of contents December 2015.
- Harry C. Moores underwriting announcement.
- Bob Abston and Arthur Wilson have greetings.
- Clinton Lindgren with Bing Crosby with The Secret of Christmas.
- From Linda Bennett: "What is Christmas?"
- Loren Wakefield shares Christmas memories.
- Braille Works is providing braille letters from Santa.
- The Youtube address for converting videos has changed.
- Tom Lykins would like to hear about improvements to Newsreel.
- From the National Braille Press "Pete the Cat Saves Christmas."
- From Marianne Daley: "Blind Cats Find Home and Comfort at Sanctuary."
- Duncan Holmes has some old calendars and a cassette recorder to give away.
- We have a belated November birthday and December birthdays.
- Bill Tidwell reads "Airlines Helping Hand to the Blind."
- Marianne Daley sent in: "Gift Wrapping Rules for Men."
- Ginger Harms has a hint if you need a new charger for the Bookport Desktop.
- Linda Brown on Ladies' Home Journal.
- From "Linda Webb: "Christmas Shepherd."
- Julie Cobb wants to know how many Radio Reading Services are available over internet radios.
- Bojane heap tells us about a sleep study involving blind children and teens.
- We share the obituary for Roy Avers.
- "United Issues Apology for Treatment of Disabled Man."
- Marie Rudys with an Austrian Christmas carol.
- Henry Furtak has a Christmas parody of Dragnet.
- Irwin has an apology.
- Robert Wegner with an addition to his November recipe.
- Jeanne Corcoran on braille writers and shares some recipes.
- Ralph Martinez shares a turkey recipe.
- Vicky Ireland has a cookie recipe.
- From Ann Chiappetta: "Bailey Finds the Cannoli."
- Patty Silver has "The Stress Free Diet."
- Alice Massa has a "Christmas Gift."
- From Marianne Daley: "This Major Airport just Installed the First Bathroom for Dogs."
- Nancy Levy tells us about an early Christmas present.
- Clinton Lindgren with "Christmas Is Here."
- Thanks to the Ohio Lions Sight and Hearing Committee for their support.
- Linda Wiggins and Kate have greetings.
- Linda O'neal has a couple of song requests and we hear Christmas Time.
- Nolan Crabb recommends: "A Redbird Christmas."
- John Wesley Smith reviews "How the Slaves Saw the Civil War."
- From Deborah Kendrick: "Doing everyday Things Doesn't Make Anyone Special."
- Tim Hendel has more on braille writers.
- Robert Acosta tells us about a GDUI summer drawing.
- From Marianne Daley: "Ed Walker WAMU Personality who Burnished Radio's Golden Age Dies at Eighty-three."
- We have snipits from Ed Walker.
- Marie Rudys has a Czech Christmas Carol.
- Jan Blatz shares music from The Nationaires.
- Doug Hudson has a recommendation for braille writer repair.
- Vicky Ireland with holiday greetings and suggests her CD for a gift.
- Ed Fedush has gentle thoughts.
- Bob Prahin presents the DecTalk Choir with "We Wish you a Merry Little Christmas."
- "Do Dogs Get That Eureka Feeling?"
- "Blind Sailing Champions are the Definition of Perseverance."
- "Blind Bowler Henry Svetina is Scoring Big on the Professional Bowlers Tour."
- We have the Spike Jones version of the Nut Cracker.
- Diana Burkhardt and Marg Schmitz have greetings.
- Duncan Holmes sends in an original song from David Wesley.
- We hear from the Indiana Teacher of the Year Kathy Nimmer at the Acb Ohio/Indiana Convention.
- Kathy Nimmer continues with her speech.
- John Correia has a Starwars Christmas song.
- Catie Mangrum with with words for a holiday song.
- We remember Newsreelers who passed away in 2015.
- Karen Kelting has greetings and shares a recipe.
- Doug Hudson with a joke.
- Pat Keating with musical holiday wishes.
- Kim Charlson has a braille dictionary looking for a new home.
- Kate lets us know who won a free cookbook; reminds us about the Newsreel cookbook and tells us about a delicious pie.
- Irwin has an update on Paris.
- Philip Jackson about Christian Record Services camps.
- From Tom Kaufman: "Brains of Older people are Slow Because They Know so Much."
- Lucille Caruso tells us about a medical procedure.
- From Omaha Magazine: "A Sight for Non-Seeing Eyes."
- Jane McIver has the November jumble answer and Brad Barrows has a new jumble.
- From Randi Shelton we have a link to more about a new GPS App.
- Adrijana Prokopenko tells us about two e-mail lists for blind people.
- Bojane Heap has Christmas greetings and tells us about her definitive Christmas song.
- Al Daniels on flip top cans; is looking for cables for the Braille Lite 2000 and shares a song.
- Duncan Holmes with David Wesley singing the Coventry Carol.
- From Linda Bennett: "Another Sweet December."
- From Jenine Stanley: "The Guide Dogs Night Before Christmas."
- Rollie Hudson has best wishes.
- Abbie Taylor has a winter song.
- Jim Robertson demonstrates the Echo.
- Duncan Holmes sent in a story from Paul Harvey.
- Linda Webb asks "Who am I?"
- Paul Sullivan is looking for a cassette bulk eraser and a head cleaner and wants to find some music.
- Larry Honaker demonstrates how to download Newsreel on his Mac.
- From National Braille Press: IOS9 Saturday Quotes; the 2016 print/braille Peanuts calendar and a new magnet.
- Clinton Lidgren with "Winds Through the Olive Trees."
- Clinton Lindgren sends in an old English Christmas song.
- From Linda Webb: "Christmas Prayers."
- From Tom Kaufman and Robert Acosta: "Self-Driving Cars the Focus of Latest Report from the National Council on Disability."
- Laurie Pettis with a winter song.
- Toni Eames has cassettes and broken cassette recorders to give away and would like help with e-mail.
- Frank Spurlock has the Night Before Christmas from 1946.
- Newsreel wins an award.
- Ginger Harms says the Accessibility Verizon numbers no longer work.
- From Ann Chiappetta: "Doink Doink Doink Doink Doink Doink."
- We learn that former Newsreeler George Illingworth passed away.
- Joan Andrews discusses braille and an upcoming concert.
- Julie Ann Cobb has Christmas greetings and is looking for audio magazines.
- Tom Lykins has a suggestion for future demonstrations.
- Victor Schmidt with a health update.
- Adrijana Prokopenko shares a link to an interview.
- Clinton Lindgren sends in: "Ring Out Wild Bells" to end the issue